Monday, June 29, 2009

What a find

After taking one class on the Rigid Heddle I decide to start looking for a floor loom.

I decided to just take a look at Craigslist when I found a Schacht 8 harness
Mighty Wolf....It included the high castle and the coaster. It did not come with the bench, but I was lucky enough to find the bench at a garage sale. I think it was meant to be.

So, its back to Woven Arts in E. Lansing to take a class using a floor loom.
What a jump from the rigid heddle.

Monday, June 8, 2009

getting back to being creative

After returning from glass camp, my life took some detours and I have not been doing glass or weaving.....but now it is time to get back to doing some of the things I love, working on glass and continuing to learn how to weave...
Speaking of weaving, over at Nancy's
site I agreed to join in the game and share the love, so here it goes

The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you.
This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
-I make no guarantees that you will like what I make.
- What I create will be just for you.
-It'll be done in the next 12 months.
-You have no clue what it's going to be.
-I reserve the right to do something unusual.
The catch? You have to put this on your blog as well. Pass on the love!

This should be fun.....

Now I should go check out my stash, even as a new weaver I am having a hard time passing an yarn shop...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

back from Camp

What a week I had at a glass workshop, I felt like I was back at camp as a kid.
We were in the studio 9 hours a day, with a break for lunch, but during lunch
we watched videos related to glass and even one on quilting.... It was a wonderful experience and I had the opportunity to share the experience with 6 other glass artist...We had a real treat to spend a week with on of the leading glass artist in Canada, Robert Leatherbarrow..Now I am trying to figure out how to create mixed media using weaving with my glass work.... I will be sure to post photos once I work that out....but for now I have what seems like hundreds of ideas to work on in glass and yes some even include weaving.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A little about the glass(break)

Well I still haven't done the photo of the scarf,
but I am thinking glass and someone ask if I
was going to post a link to my glass website, so I
thought why not, it is the best way to share more
about my glass. The link is .
This week I will have to leave the weaving behind,
as I am off to a glass workshop, it will be hard
to leave therigid heddle, but I really can't take
it with me and keep my mind wrapped
around the if I can come up with a
way to combine the two into a
multimedia piece....hum....

I need more hours in the day..

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Learning to Weave

How did I end up at Woven Arts in E. Lansing, Michigan for a weaving class?? Well I was visiting the Aurora Alpaca farm in Bath, Mi. I was talking to the owner about weaving and she indicated that Nancy McRay at Woven Arts teaches beginners to weave using a Rigid Heddle off to Woven Arts to see what this was all about....Well after meeting Nancy it was a no brainer, this was the place to learn, and I love it.... the class was great only 3 people in a class and we all finished our projects in the three week class. I have just finished another scarf, well almost, tomorrow I will get it off the loom....then I will see if I can figure out how to post a photo...But for now I have to work on getting ready to go off to a glass workshop.