Thursday, May 21, 2009

back from Camp

What a week I had at a glass workshop, I felt like I was back at camp as a kid.
We were in the studio 9 hours a day, with a break for lunch, but during lunch
we watched videos related to glass and even one on quilting.... It was a wonderful experience and I had the opportunity to share the experience with 6 other glass artist...We had a real treat to spend a week with on of the leading glass artist in Canada, Robert Leatherbarrow..Now I am trying to figure out how to create mixed media using weaving with my glass work.... I will be sure to post photos once I work that out....but for now I have what seems like hundreds of ideas to work on in glass and yes some even include weaving.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A little about the glass(break)

Well I still haven't done the photo of the scarf,
but I am thinking glass and someone ask if I
was going to post a link to my glass website, so I
thought why not, it is the best way to share more
about my glass. The link is .
This week I will have to leave the weaving behind,
as I am off to a glass workshop, it will be hard
to leave therigid heddle, but I really can't take
it with me and keep my mind wrapped
around the if I can come up with a
way to combine the two into a
multimedia piece....hum....

I need more hours in the day..

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Learning to Weave

How did I end up at Woven Arts in E. Lansing, Michigan for a weaving class?? Well I was visiting the Aurora Alpaca farm in Bath, Mi. I was talking to the owner about weaving and she indicated that Nancy McRay at Woven Arts teaches beginners to weave using a Rigid Heddle off to Woven Arts to see what this was all about....Well after meeting Nancy it was a no brainer, this was the place to learn, and I love it.... the class was great only 3 people in a class and we all finished our projects in the three week class. I have just finished another scarf, well almost, tomorrow I will get it off the loom....then I will see if I can figure out how to post a photo...But for now I have to work on getting ready to go off to a glass workshop.